Quick Shipments

Here you can find a description of the quick shipments process. This method allows you to complete all the tasks required to create a shipment in a single API call.

To create a quick shipment, the below details are required:

  1. Pickup Address - The pickup address for the shipment. This is also used as the return address by default.

  2. Delivery Address - The delivery address for the shipment.

  3. Parcel - Details of items contained in the Parcel.

Optional data can include

  1. Metadata - Additional data that you might want to include in the shipment.

  2. Shipment Purpose - The purpose of the shipment. This is used by customs to understand the reason for the shipment. Not required for local or regional shipments. Advisable to provide this for international deliveries.

  3. Shipment Type - The type of shipment e.g. Cash on Delivery. Cash on delivery is only available for deliveries within Lagos using Dellyman as carrier option.

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