Get Parcel

Fetch details of a specific parcel.



This endpoint allows you to retrieve details of a specific parcel.

Path Parameters


	status: true,
	message: 'Parcel retrieved successfully',
	data: {
		description: true,
		id: 'Zt4Xh2pbbCmeVcr5YH9lsFHGqoW3i5w3',
		items: [{
			description: 'Shoes purchased from Shipmonk Store',
			name: 'Rubber Boots',
			currency: 'NGN',
			value: 25000',
			weight: 2.5
			quantity: 1
		metadata: {},		
		packaging: 'LsuiGzcYlz4dKRYnEXeobJu9gnVbQVXN',
		parcel_id: 'PC-25164820699',
		total_weight: 2.51,
		weight: 2.5,
		weight_unit: 'kg',
		created_at: '2021-07-13T20:25:53.011Z',
		updated_at: '2021-07-13T20:25:53.011Z'

Last updated